Sunday, April 15, 2007

Rockabilly history part ii - Guitar hero its all linked!

guitar hero II, originally uploaded by epredator.

I have been really enjoying blasting through guitar hero ii. As a not very good but enthusiastic guitar player this gave me quite a buzz. Its not the same, but it is.
However the really trange part was that admist all the ozzy, pearl jam, stone temple pilots (and the excellant swwet child of mine by G'n'R) this awesom game served up "Rock this Town" but the stray cats.
So... the serendipity and connections continue extending this post rockabilly history
So my favourite group of my formative years, rediscovered because of a memory sparked by the movements of babbage to Brighton and now blasting out of my Xbox360 in a game not unlike my favourite of all time "Quest for fame" - WOW.
I have twittered and flickred and now blogged. If you have a 360, and like music. BUY THIS!
My fingers now hurt pressing the button, I have that guitar RSI going too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Agree e-pred! Been doing the same thing on my PS2 version. Blew through the easy version pretty quickly and am still moving through "medium", although am taking a little more time to try to do a bit better than 3 or 4 stars on the songs I like, for example, "message in a bottle." be great to jam with you sometime... Michael M