Friday, March 09, 2007

Some more cool stuff

I managed to get all fired up by the PS3 keynote and in the midst of all that my new work laptop arrived.
So I now have to do all teh installs and moves of data etc, play with Second Life on it generally give it a work out.
However, GRAW2 for teh 360 has just come through the door and that needs a good session on it.
All that I am supposed to be helping build the mega power that is eightbar in Eve online.
Starting to look like there is too much to do :-)

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Anyone ever seen one of these before?

IMGP0729, originally uploaded by epredator.

I have been looking at some of my old gadgets, getting a bit retro to help Sophie learn some stuff. The PC is an obvious vehicle, but this little gizmo I used to find fascinating and I have never seen one anywhere else.
Of course now I just googled it and it still exists.
Now I neeed to see if we can get some more cards for it.