It is a set of pyramids linked by rotators. Whilst they were playing with it I suddenly realised it must be about 30 years old. Which was quite shocking! It has survived the the of time though.
Other things that came down from the loft included my Evel Knieval stunt bike. This did not survive quite so well as the handle bars had got a little brittle. As it hurtled down the hall and into the bathroom it smacked into the wall and the little Evel would have been heard to say "It came off in my hand".
It still does go though. You can buy new version of it still on Firebox
When I had the original one back in the 70's the bike worked but all the metal in Evel's body snapped, so it was impossible to get him sat on the bike or in any stunt poses. It was before the interwebs let us reach the toy companies and ask for customer service so I wrote a letter (I was about 7) to the toy company saying how unhappy I was that Evel had broken. They sent me a new Evel. Which I thought was amazing, and still do.
The other Rubik's related item that I still find fascinating was the Rubiks' rings. This is a set of square panels bound with nylon that let the panels be folded around one another. It is very tactile puzzle solving. Logically it is really a shuffle puzzle.
You start with it in this format
Fold it over and around a bit
Until you get to this
The tactile nature of these puzzles and toys is a nice change from the purely digital world I live in. However a blend of the two, an Augmented Reality Haptic feedback Rubik's puzzle .... wooooooaaah
I have the Rubik's rings and snake. I still like to fiddle with them from time to time.
These are really amazing toys which are seems to b very puzzle type. Hence these can also increase our mind and along playing the games.
Wow! That rubik's so cute and very unique. It is my first time to really see those kind of rubiks. Well as for the customer service who did replace your toy, it's nice to know that they responded fast and cheerfully with your concern and I'm glad how customer care call centers have been doing great with regards to giving quality and excellent customer service that we deserve.
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