Monday, February 12, 2007

Back to work - paternity leave is over

My paternity leave finished and I was back in the swing of things today. Thats not to say I have not been stil lin touch, both read and writing blogs, popping into Second Life and keeping tabs on all things metaversal of course.
For me everything it a continuum, a set of threads interwoven through many parts of life. Stopping cuts these threads.
Twenty, or even ten years ago these threads would not have really existed in most people lifes. For me though they do now, they are enabled and enhanced by much of the technology and by a willingness to use it.
Now its not to everyones taste, but for me it works. Seeing these patterns, keeping them going is a skill and not everyone can do it, measure it or even accept it, but the world takes all sorts :-)

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