I am not sure Aidy realized that we were in competition, and its not that hard to rack up some achievments. However, as gamers we just play. We seem to have a similar set of games and turnover in getting new games too. He also seems to be slightly better than this aging gamer so I love a challenge.
I also rebranded my blades and gamer pic with battlestar graphics. Why, well I can and I like battlestar.
The first two cards are an image of the state of play. 5364 plays 5359

The second are the 'live' cards that will change over time so you will be able to see how much I have been beaten up for this post :-)
I've certainly been aware of you breathing down my neck. Maybe I'll have to revisit Fight Night 3 for some easy points to re-establish my lead ;-)
Paperboy! Even I used to play that. :-)
It’s awesome seeing friendly competition like yours and Aidy’s.
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